If you’re one for stories, and it won’t baffle you that I am, then you would be happy following this link to Penelope Trunk.

Full disclosure (which is no disclosure whatsoever): I don’t know Penelope Trunk. I’ve never met her, I’ve never seen her in real life, I’ve only read her writing. And she’s not paying me for this. For all intents and purposes, she’s Toni Morrison, about whom all the above is also true.

Reading Penelope’s writing is like polishing off the last of the espresso and having your mind take off after Racer X. It’s like getting a string of firecrackers lit under your A when you’re sleeping in a hammock. Blah blah roller coaster, blah blah rocket ship – – all that.

Every post on her blog is a buck naked rage through time and space, mundane and sublime, and always comes back to the purpose of her blog, which is helping people be successful in business.

Don’t think it can work? Give her a try: http://is.gd/9sscHE

Be prepared for some of the most honest, hilarious, poignant and smart writing you’ll ever find.

How honest?

Penelope Trunk takes ‘warts and all’ to a new layer of atmosphere. She has Asperger’s Syndrome, she’s moved from the City to living on a farm Out in The Middle somewhere, she’s got kids, she had bulimia, her parents checked out, she’s started businesses, she’s failed at most of them…

And she tells us all of this in explicit detail – – to the point of uncomfortable.

I’m crushing on Penelope Trunk because she’s so fearless in describing her own ideas, opportunities and mistakes, that I believe her when she gives advice.

~Christopher Smith